Getting the Most Out of Your Regional Automotive Digital Marketing and Lead Generation
Whether your automotive digital marketing goals involve generating leads or making conversions, it is essential that your car dealership leverages a strategy that thinks regionally.
This can be easier said than done.
We’d like to take a moment to discuss a few of the challenges that pop up when seeking car buyer leads and automotive conversions on a regional basis – and a few solutions.
3 Challenges to Regional Automotive Digital Marketing
- Geography
Every market is different, which creates the need for focused campaign management from region to region.
To do this effectively, you need a campaign manager that understands the unique characteristics of each distinct locale.
- Branding
If you’re selling all over the south, that means you’re spending money all over the south. But how do you really know how strong your brand is in south market A vs. south market B? More importantly, how do you know which markets you’ve conquered, and in which there is still work to be done?
The solution to this borrows from our first point and goes further. You need an auto ad agency that understands the differences between each region, and that creates branding strategies that are tailored to each rather than generic across them all.
- Market prioritization
If you’re trying to grow, how do you accurately determine which markets to invest in, and when? And how do you do so without harming your already-successful or key markets? And at what expense?
This is a matter of assessing how accurate and effective your regional branding has been with hard data, then using those numbers to determine your next steps moving forward.
Finding Solutions to Your Regional Automotive Digital Marketing Needs
To recap, your regional automotive digital marketing strategy should look something like this:
- Become an expert on each region.
- Tailor your branding to each region.
- Gather and analyze data to understand effectiveness and next steps.
From there it’s a matter of crafting and rolling out relevant campaigns, adjusting as necessary, then raking in the automotive leads and conversions.
Have questions about automotive digital marketing? Contact Lincoln Digital Group and we’ll get back with relevant advice and answers.